Whitelisting in IoT: A revolution in LoRaWAN network security

Taking care of security in the network space, especially in the IoT area, is a must. While classic forms of security such as firewalls and encryption provide protection, it may not be enough. An additional security measure for IoT is Whitelisting of LoRaWAN networks. Whitelisting in LoRaWAN is a list of approved devices that can connect to the network. This ensures that only verified devices have access, increasing security and optimizing network performance. Whitelisting is traditionally used in Basic Station mode, which provides streamlined management and secure data routing.

Benefits of using whitelisting include:
- Enhanced security
- Reduced operating costs
- Improved network performance and reliability
- Facilitation of regulatory compliance
- Increased visibility and control
In addition to the standard Basic Station mode, RAKwireless also introduces an extension in the form of Packet Forwarder mode. This mode typically allows for a more flexible network configuration than Basic Station mode, acting as a bridge that forwards unprocessed data packets. However, due to its open nature, it is perceived as less secure.
Integrating Whitelisting with Packet Forwarder mode combines flexibility with a high level of security. The system filters device communications at the packet level, checking their credentials before forwarding to the network server. If a device is not on the list, its data is not forwarded.
This solution combines the flexibility of Packet Forwarder mode with a high level of security. It significantly increases the protection of IoT networks, reducing the risk of data breaches and network disruptions while maintaining ease of configuration.
Are you interested in the new RAKwireless technology? On our site, you will find the latest devices using Whitelisting, including RAK7267. We encourage you to check out our offer!